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  • Recent content by OpticSkies

    1. OpticSkies

      Reintroduction (is that even a word...)

      Its SkydiverPro, and TransparentFate. :P
    2. OpticSkies

      Reintroduction (is that even a word...)

      Hey Phil, nice seeing you back.
    3. OpticSkies

      AJ, did you type that? Or did one of your troll friends type that.

      AJ, did you type that? Or did one of your troll friends type that.
    4. OpticSkies

      Server restart

      This forum post got off topic from 0 to 1 hunda real quik.
    5. OpticSkies

      Fate's Special (LIMITED EDITION ULTRA RARE) Halloween Post

      I played the orphanage a while ago, didn't scare me that much. ;3
    6. OpticSkies

      Changed my Name.

      I would reply with a joke, but I have no idear what that means. -3-
    7. OpticSkies

      Changed my Name.

      I didnt say that... (amber, srsly stop changin ur name) :D
    8. OpticSkies

      Joke Commands for Donors

      /optic Spams colors into chat.
    9. OpticSkies

      Changed my Name.

      Hey guys SkydiverPro here, and I've came to inform you I have changed my in game name and website name to OpticSkies, and my new nickname is .Optic, so if you're confused about not seeing 'SkydiverPro' anymore in chat, just know, its me. Thanks for reading, and see you later. :D
    10. OpticSkies

      Gemma, do you still play on the server anymore?

      Gemma, do you still play on the server anymore?
    11. OpticSkies


      Nice BiG. xD
    12. OpticSkies


      No, its a restart. Everything will be wiped besides ranks and OP Items if your lucky.
    13. OpticSkies


      Hey Phil, it's me and i'm Director (as you may already know). The case with the reset, the reset will happen in 3 Months. Everything wiped including your bought items besides Trails and ranks. BiG told me you could give your bought items like OP Picks, OP Shovel etc. to the mods they would then...
    14. OpticSkies

      Its never coming back because BiG didn't get enough profit from it.

      Its never coming back because BiG didn't get enough profit from it.
    15. OpticSkies

      Ok, ;3

      Ok, ;3