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  • Recent content by ScarletIona

    1. ScarletIona

      logged into aspirin for the first time in a while and not rank

      hi, its been a while since I last logged on to Aspiria, and in that time I migrated my account to Microsoft so I don't know if that affects anything. I used to be a director, which doesn't seem to exist anymore. my gametes also changed to DominantMango, so I don't know if that was it thanks.
    2. ScarletIona

      Own a rank? Bought it before EULA? Choice!

      the /backpack command isn't working and I have 6 dragon heads in there as well as 6 elytras (I got bored ok....) so when you put back in the /backpack command, will all of our stuff still be in there?
    3. ScarletIona


    4. ScarletIona

      Own a rank? Bought it before EULA? Choice!

      I chose not to go back to the pre eula perks, how do I get my crates?
    5. ScarletIona

      BiGUNMAN, on a Deeper Level

      ummmm...... it says for me that it was posted on the 2ND Of April so.....:eek:
    6. ScarletIona

      Movie Project \ouo/

      luvooo <3
    7. ScarletIona

      Goodbye Aspiria 1.8!

    8. ScarletIona

      Aspiria 1.9 Update

    9. ScarletIona

      Goodbye Aspiria 1.8!

      :D oh lol I just saw that I spelt remembrance wrong in the video xD oops?
    10. ScarletIona

      Goodbye Aspiria 1.8!

      so I know that the 1.9 reset is probably happening tonight soooooo.... I made a Aspiria 1.8 Remembrance Video! There it is!
    11. ScarletIona

      Movie Project \ouo/

      uh I never said I wanted to do the hunger games, if anything I want to do Divergent >.>
    12. ScarletIona

      Aspiria 1.9 Update

    13. ScarletIona

      Aspiria 1.9 Update

    14. ScarletIona

      Aspiria 1.9 Update

    15. ScarletIona

      The End is Near!

      oh ali said that the server reset was going to be tonight ono