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    Hey everyone! I thought it would be cool to make an opinion page to share your feelings and opinions on. You can post whatever, like "Old Town is Beuatimus" and you can agree with other people by rating their post(agree, winner,etc.) or you can just quote it and say it's a good opinion!
    My only rule is to respect other players and their opinions, and have fun with it!
    Remember: this can't hurt you! Share what you think with your friends!
    Let's get started :D
    [DOUBLEPOST=1438561309][/DOUBLEPOST]Old town is awesome, but the people who play on it make it even more enjoyable!
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    Bishop of the umi order
    Secondo la mia opinione:
    1. I conigli su Minecraft devono morire, a parte i conigli assassini;
    2. umi invaderà la terra, e tutti coloro che non rispettano il culto di umi... beh, non gli succederà niente, umi perdona;
    3. Voi non state capendo un tubo di ciò che sto dicendo (ed è per questo che i punti 4. e 5. saranno scritti in una lingua a voi lettori nota;
    4. On Google Translator, point 1. doesn't give the right meaning for "conigli assassini", but is understandable, point 2. isn't right at all and point .3 was purposedly designed by me not to be translated right by the aforementioned tool. I haven't checked point 6., but I doubt it will get it wrong;
    5. Withers are cute, so are yanderes C:
    6. Perchè scrivo queste cose? D:
    Secondo la mia opinione:
    1. I conigli su Minecraft devono morire, a parte i conigli assassini;
    2. umi invaderà la terra, e tutti coloro che non rispettano il culto di umi... beh, non gli succederà niente, umi perdona;
    3. Voi non state capendo un tubo di ciò che sto dicendo (ed è per questo che i punti 4. e 5. saranno scritti in una lingua a voi lettori nota;
    4. On Google Translator, point 1. doesn't give the right meaning for "conigli assassini", but is understandable, point 2. isn't right at all and point .3 was purposedly designed by me not to be translated right by the aforementioned tool. I haven't checked point 6., but I doubt it will get it wrong;
    5. Withers are cute, so are yanderes C:
    6. Perchè scrivo queste cose? D:
    I'm just gonna try and get my brother to translate that