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  • Recent content by Memento

    1. Memento

      order and chaos

      jojo, the quote you have on your signature comes from a Buddhist mantra, and even further, The Tanakh. many philosophers used that mantra to explore metaphysics or the thought of self within the world. such as Socrates, who immortalized the quote. His understanding came from a learned...
    2. Memento

      order and chaos

      "Being happy is an anomaly, abnormal consistency with our world. If you should one day experience it, even for a moment, hold on to that memory. Because the chances of being truly at peace and happy only come through great misery and pain. How else would we understand happiness without...
    3. Memento

      order and chaos

      The clever person knows life is full of shortcuts. They use them to achieve their dreams. The intelligent person knows that sometimes, shortcuts don’t work. So when the time comes, they dig their heels in and persist. The wise person knows that some things in life, you can’t have at all. No...
    4. Memento

      Hemro Kibbyyy

      Hemro Kibbyyy
    5. Memento

      i found my dog

      copy pasta?