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    1. thewjm2014

      Own a rank? Bought it before EULA? Choice!

      I'm in the same boat, I also prefer PRE-ELUA rank benefits, Many Thanks
    2. thewjm2014

      Wild Teleport, Store, Ranks, Contest! [Update 2, 1.9.4]

      thanks for the update Bigunman, things are coming along nicely,
    3. thewjm2014

      Going Inactive/Leaving

      awwww bambi, take care, enjoy your holidays and see you soon, I hope ciao
    4. thewjm2014

      A case for Aspiria, the economy; and against Moderator abuse

      Hello, Thank you for bringing this sensitive topic to light MrMcBurger, As a donor and regular user of Aspiria Server and only this server, I was unaware such things were going on and utterly shocked by these findings. I spend alot of time and effort getting my economy balance to where it is to...
    5. thewjm2014


      Although we didn't know one another that well, I am sorry to see you leave however as well as we all know, we have life matters that sometimes prevent us from enjoying our OT time, good luck and hope to have you back soon :)