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    1. POW_Derpington

      Good Intensions With Bad Results?

      Recently there have been some changes in Aspiria that attempt to close the gap between mostly those with 500k - 800k and those with 20k - 50k. Granted that I qualify more into the 20k - 50k area, however I still must address a gripe. Over time it has become much harder to make money because...
    2. POW_Derpington

      Stock Market

      Some of you may remember me as _POW_ or POW_Derpington or even Sir_Derpington. If you did then certainly you remember my insane craze for money. I still have that craze, however I have found it harder to make any money off things such as building and mining, the things that previously made me my...
    3. POW_Derpington

      Voice Chat in 1.9

      I was starting a new survival world in snapshot 16w05b, when I went into the sound setting and saw an option for (and I quote with NO MODS) "Voice/Speech". I didn't see an option for this in controls. Mojang hasn't said anything about this on their site, however knowing Mojang, and how they like...
    4. POW_Derpington

      I is POW_Derpington!

      Why hello there kind stranger! *adjusts monocle Here's a website I recently just threw together for my sister, Queen_Of_Hearts4: DopeTownUSA MColdTown