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    1. C

      Hi, I am Clockwork!

      There is! Roskilde festival! The biggest in Denmark actually :D Went there for the first time this summer. Had a headache for like 3 days after ;D ;D But it was awesome! Except the music, Not really any super good musicians.. But that is because next year it will be their 50'th festival, so that...
    2. C

      Hi, I am Clockwork!

      Can't help it :l
    3. C

      Hi, I am Clockwork!

      Here's some info about me! :D ASL and where to find me My name is Niels, I am born 8'th of april 2001(I'm 18), I come from Denmark, and enjoy playing on this server! I tempt to stay as gender neutral as possible, I don't really know what gender I would be, that's the reason. I'm always trying...