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  • Why Anime/J-Culture?


    My intent is not to be a "hater", nor to "bash" on the anime culture, but rather to fufill my curiosity. I am sincerely curious about why anime and Japanese culture is popular among some American teens. I notice that many Americans (mainly teens) as well as members of OldTown are into it. My primary question is What led you to have a strong interest in this particular culture? I'm PERSONALLY not super fond of anime, but hey, that's just me. Once again, this is not to bash nor insult, but just to fufill my curiosity.



    Great topic to bring up! Now I have something to write about worths while. Really for me I never liked it at first (more over never heard of it), it was until my relative who gave a dvd set and I started from there. Then my interest in anime just slowly grew onto me over time, I think about 1-2 years before I became a fan of anime (though I'm picky).
    Before all this, I was an artist with not much to draw in mind. When I found out that I can draw pretty artwork that's anime related (after watching that dvd), that's where my interest started to grow too. Another thing why it catches my attention (which lead me to becoming a anime fan) is that there's actually a good story in most of the ones I watched (I think its also the first time I cried over something because too much feels lol). I'm not fond with what some animes do and I'm sure everyone heard of it, 'fan service.' It really is annoying as its becoming really common in anime nowadays.

    Keeping this short trying to at least all in all, it has kept me entertained for the longest of times and because of that, I don't think I'll be leaving anime anytime soon. I've been a fan for 8 years, so why not ouo

    Ask me more questions because it felt like I didn't even anwer yours anyways, good day to you owo/


    Bishop of the umi order
    Well, I didn't like japanese animations until 3 years ago: back then I thought they were childish, even if they had mature jokes/situations in them. It's not like I changed my mind, I just found out that those that have no relation whatsoever with children is the Seinen genre '^' in fact, it's the only genre I follow (with the exceptions of shows with good storylines and a comedy - one in particular, "Danshi KoukouSei No NichiJou"). Still, many anime are designed for adult people with the mind of a child.

    I'm not a pedophile, I just mention kids a lot because that's what people who ask "what's the point of anime" think about them ,_,

    Also, I love yanderes :3