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    1. G

      Server reset for 1.11?

      I wasn't saying to reset for the forest mansion I was just asking. I wasn't even aware more redstone stuff was bring added.
    2. G

      Server reset for 1.11?

      With the new forest mansion dungeon being added I was just wondering if the server would reset for 1.11.
    3. G

      Museum of Oldtown/Aspiria

      The name is a work in progress but this is the first MAJOR project created by the A.P.S. (Second if you count the national park I am building). This museum tells the story of this server from the start of OldTown up till now and will catalog the servers history. But I can't do this by myself, I...
    4. G

      A mall... - GarBear's Newest Project!

      I would like to rent a space eventually. Probably a potion shop if thats ok
    5. G

      What do you think they should add in the next Minecraft update(s)

      Wait my biggest thing wood (pun intended) be more trees like cypress or willow trees in the swamps or sequoias or redwoods in the mega taiga
    6. G

      Abandonded Builds...

      There is a dirt shack right by my ranger station and the person hasn't gotten on since early april
    7. G

      What do you think they should add in the next Minecraft update(s)

      Clay slabs and stairs I NEED THESE! In all seriousness though we really need more slabs and stairs and maybe more wool colors including the old wools colors
    8. G

      Park Name

      So I am starting the Aspiria Park Service and need a name for the first park I have been working on it and it is in a spruce forest it will have creeks a old mine and hiking trails and more.I thought since I want this to be a thing with the community (And I am not good at making names) we should...
    9. G

      The A.P.S.

      Smokemont not a official name I just said that off the top of my head I don't know the name should be and sheep I look forward to you joining us lol
    10. G

      The A.P.S.

      The first national park is Smokemont national park the one I am working on then the second one is Ice Spike National park made by FrostySparks. Smokemont Will include a creek as well as campgrounds and hiking trails and perhaps a waterfall.While Ice Spike national park contains Ice spikes Ice...
    11. G

      Suh Dudes

      You have been nice to me the few times we've talked and I hate to see people leave even for a bit
    12. G

      The A.P.S.

      I am announcing the creation of the Aspiria Park Service or for short the A.P.S. Here's how it works you submit a national park and as long as it isn't something we have or has a inappropriate name or feature it will likely join the list of national parks. If you or multiple people create a...
    13. G

      [MOD] ChickenSaysBak is quitting?

      I don't really know him or most of the mods for that matter but he from what I have seen is a awesome mod and tries to help people the best he can. Sorry if I haven't been talking to you.
    14. G

      CampGrounds and NationalPark

      Yes I will most likely release the coords when it is fully done maybe a bit earlier and thanks Garrieth
    15. G


      No it is not allowed I was trying to help a person starting off and a guy said he could X-ray to get diamonds and he got banned in front of me. He also had many other hacks as well but I would say no to using it. Im sure you don't want to get banned, hope I answered your question bye
    16. G

      The Sheep Rewards Card

      If you need some more judges or any help at all I am usually able to stop what I am building and help you
    17. G

      What is your favorite animal in minecraft?

      I like chickens and had one on this server (He died) but when I first started playing I had a pig I named George for some reason. and on every world I had I would get a pig and name him George so I choose pigs and as of right now it looks like I am the only one.
    18. G

      CampGrounds and NationalPark

      Hello everybody hope your day is going well. Soon I will begin work on the campground at my base the Ranger Station.The way it will work is you come to the ranger station,rent a campsite and just explore the area. It could also be used for players starting off to have a place to stay until they...
    19. G

      I am GSM_Ranger

      Amazing name I know. I joined the server a few weeks ago and have met a lot of awesome people on this server. So thank you for welcoming me and feel free to stop by my base the Ranger Station.
    20. G

      Server Crash or Something

      As of Saturday april 30 at 7:29 EST we can get on the server it says proxy crash or something