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    1. G

      Server reset for 1.11?

      With the new forest mansion dungeon being added I was just wondering if the server would reset for 1.11.
    2. G

      Museum of Oldtown/Aspiria

      The name is a work in progress but this is the first MAJOR project created by the A.P.S. (Second if you count the national park I am building). This museum tells the story of this server from the start of OldTown up till now and will catalog the servers history. But I can't do this by myself, I...
    3. G

      Park Name

      So I am starting the Aspiria Park Service and need a name for the first park I have been working on it and it is in a spruce forest it will have creeks a old mine and hiking trails and more.I thought since I want this to be a thing with the community (And I am not good at making names) we should...
    4. G

      The A.P.S.

      I am announcing the creation of the Aspiria Park Service or for short the A.P.S. Here's how it works you submit a national park and as long as it isn't something we have or has a inappropriate name or feature it will likely join the list of national parks. If you or multiple people create a...
    5. G

      CampGrounds and NationalPark

      Hello everybody hope your day is going well. Soon I will begin work on the campground at my base the Ranger Station.The way it will work is you come to the ranger station,rent a campsite and just explore the area. It could also be used for players starting off to have a place to stay until they...
    6. G

      I am GSM_Ranger

      Amazing name I know. I joined the server a few weeks ago and have met a lot of awesome people on this server. So thank you for welcoming me and feel free to stop by my base the Ranger Station.
    7. G

      Server Crash or Something

      As of Saturday april 30 at 7:29 EST we can get on the server it says proxy crash or something