"How do I begin?"
Create an island with /is create. You should also make a cobble gen. If you are new to skyblock, this gamemode is all about grinding.
"How do I make money?"
Start out with a simple cobblestone generator. This will produce both cobblestone and ores that you can sell for money. You can also use mob grinders or profit shops (check ‘/is warps’ - the sign usually says they offer these). You can level up your generator with /is upgrade.
"How do I expand or upgrade my island?"
Type ‘/is upgrade’ to open up the upgrade panel for your island and your cobblestone generator.
"What if I make obsidian?"
Right-click it with an empty bucket to turn it back into lava.
"How do I do quests?"
First, start the quest by typing /quest (click on it so it glows), then get the item you think answers the riddle (nightmare) or fulfills the request and throw it on the ground. When you pick it back up, the quest will complete. (Warning: The item(s) will be lost!)
"What happens when I die?"
Your island level goes down 1 per death (up to 10 deaths). Keep inventory is on, so you won’t lose anything. In PVP your items drop as normal unless protected by a Protection Gem from the coin shop.
"Can I sell items to other players?"
You can use /ah sell <price> <amount> while holding an item to sell that many of that item for that price (total, not per item!). It goes up on the public auction house at ‘/ah’ that everyone can see.
"Can I invite someone to my island?"
You can type /is invite <name> to permanently offer a place on your island to another player (4 people max).
"How do I trust someone temporarily?"
This is called cooping! You can type /is coop <name> to allow someone to temporarily build and break on your island - remember to uncoop with /is uncoop <name> afterward! Coops last until the person logs out.
"What is the goal of Skyblock?"
Skyblock doesn’t come with a premade ‘goal’ like vanilla Minecraft - it’s up to you to make your own. Most players opt to make a lot of money, build a pretty island, or get their island score really high. Ultimately the motivation to do something will have to come from you, not the game.
"How do I get spawners?"
You can get them from /coin shop - but they are fairly expensive for starting players.
"Do mobs spawn on the islands?"
Yes, mob spawning is vanilla standard rules (dark area at least 24 blocks away from the player)
"What does the island level do?"
Level up your island with /is level.
Two early levels give access to chest shops and a welcome sign (level 12) that you can place to make your island public. After a certain point, not much else aside from bragging rights.
Level up your island by placing down blocks. Each block has a different value you can see with /is value while holding it. Levels are 100 points each.
"How do I create chest shops?"
To make a chest shop: Hold the item you want to sell in your hand, and hold sneak while left clicking a chest. Then bring up chat and type how much you want to sell one of that item for, then fill the chest. You can also look at the chest holding the item then type /qs create <price>
"How do I buy from a chest shop?"
Punch the sign then open up chat and type how many you want to buy.
"How do I make a welcome sign?"
Place a sign down and type ‘[WELCOME]’ as the first line. The rest of the sign can say whatever you want.
People can warp directly to the sign with /is warp <username>, whether or not you’re online.
/is help - shows a list of island commands you can use/is go - return to your island spawn point
/is value (while holding a block) - tells you the value of that block in points
/is level - recalculate your island level
/ah help - a list of the auction house commands

This is a list of all of the rules for our Purple survival server. Farm limits are located at the bottom of this page.
This thread will be updated as necessary to keep the list available and up-to-date for all players. All offenses in this post may be punishable via warning, kick, mute, or a ban. Further offenses will continue to increase the duration of punishments. Additionally, staff members are allowed to use their discretion to enforce the rules to the best of our ability. The rules, and infraction punishments herein, are at the staff's discretion, not the player's. This list is in no way an exhaustive list of all punishable offenses.
The first three infraction punishments are included for your reference. The punishment you receive may differ based on the severity, or it may compound with other related infractions. "Time Out" means a short mute, 10 minutes to 1 hour, for you to collect your thoughts and calm down. Please note that these punishment examples vary with the severity of the offense, and some may be eligible to be expedited based on severity. Also note that multiple offenses may go hand-in-hand, and punishment severity will vary on this as well. Only the first few infraction punishments are included. You are subject to further punishment for any of these infractions, if your behavior warrants it. The rules are in place for you to learn about and learn from. If you prove, through repeated issues and infractions, that you are unable to respect our rules, you will be permanently removed from the server.
If you feel as though you have been wrongly punished, please make a ban appeal HERE.
Please contact the manager, Peachysnail, if you are having any issues with staff or if you need assistance. Reach me on discord at Zoe#1000 .
This is a summary of what is NOT allowed. Please scroll down to see descriptions and farm limits.
• Hacked clients and disallowed modifications (INCLUDING autoclicking)
• No alts
• AFK Machines
• Vote farming
• 200 hoppers/island limit
• Advertising your island on /ah
• Griefing, theft, and scamming
• Spambotting
• Advertising
• Duplicating items
• Bug Abuse
• Real-world trading
• Releasing personal information
• Death threats
• Harassment, sexual harassment
• TP killing, Trap killing, and TP trapping
• 0 tick farms and flying machines
• Indecent builds
• Ban evasion, mute evasion
• Inappropriate name, nickname, or skin
• Item name guidelines
• Excessive arguing
• Encouraging rulebreaking
• Command spamming, plugin abuse, afk machines
• Excessive spamming, begging, roleplaying
• Excessive swearing, filter bypassing or indecent topics
• Foreign languages in public chat (use /msg)
| Hacked Clients or Disallowed Modifications
Using a hacked client, and/or disallowed modifications, is NOT allowed. You can view a list of disallowed modifications HERE. This includes, but is not limited to, keyweighting (putting an item on your mouse/key or otherwise keeping yourself autojumping or autoclicking while you are afk) and command macros/AutoHotkey.
1st Offense: 7d Ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban
| No Alts
Skyblock has increased coin gain over Survival Red/Survival Blue. For this reason, alts are not allowed at all, as they can give massive coin gain.
1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 7d Ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban
| AFK Machines
AFK Machines are defined as mechanisms that bypass our Anti-AFK measures, including putting an object on your keyboard while you are not actively watching the screen. The first offense is skipped if AFK machines are used. AFK fishing builds are not allowed.
1st Offense: Warning (if machine is not in use) | 2nd Offense: 1d Ban | 3rd Offense: 5d Ban
| Vote Farming
Do not use alternative accounts to vote multiple times. This includes using a VPN to vote on alternative accounts.
1st Offense: Temp ban of main account, Ban of alt | 2nd Offense: 14d ban of main | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban
| 200 Hoppers Per Island
Players are limited to using only 200 hoppers per island. This limit is automatic. Circumventing this limit is strictly not allowed.
1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: Hoppers Removed
| Advertising in /ah
Do not use /ah to advertise your island by renaming an item and placing it in the /ah.
1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: 1d Ban | 3rd Offense: 7d Ban
| Griefing, Theft, or Scamming
Griefing is breaking, stealing from, or otherwise destroying another player's build(s) that you do not own. Theft is stealing items from another player that is not yours. This includes islands that you are cooped on! Don't take their stuff. This also includes uncooping someone so they do not have access to their items.
Scamming is willingly deceiving a player by sale or otherwise (this includes selling "fake" items in chat or on auctionhouse). The punishment time varies heavily on the severity of the grief/theft/scam. A player using /vanish and sitting at a public grinder does not count as stealing, but if you ask them to leave and they begin harassing you, this is punishable.
Minor: 1d Ban | Moderate: 3d Ban | Major: 7d Ban
| Spambotting
Utilizing a bot, friends, or program to spam a message continuously, or flooding chat with multiple alts sending the same message. (This is usually a raid and are bots, not real people)
1st Offense: Permanent Ban
| Advertising
Sending another server's IP address or encouraging Aspiria players to play on another server. This includes links to non-Aspiria websites, servers, etc. Keep all links in-game strictly Aspiria links (not including screenshot links, which are allowed).
Please do not advertise your personal social media handles, or other people's social media handles. You can give out this information in DMs to people of your choosing, the whole server doesn't need to see. This includes chats, /me's, and item names. This can be dangerous, as well as spammy.
Social Media Advertisement, First Infraction: /warn | Server Advertisement , or Advertising with a link or "script": Permanent Ban
| Duplicating Items
Using a glitch, hacked client, or other forms of exploit to dupe items.
If you are aware of a glitch or bug, report it on the forums HERE, or to the Manager (peachysnail) via dm's.
1st Offense: Administrator Discretion
| Bug Abuse
This includes, but is not limited to: GUI item grabbing, duping via a server bug, or otherwise obtaining illegal items, money, or status via a bug or glitch. We try hard to make the game fair for everyone. There is no hidden way to get rich quick or obtain items without paying or trading.
If you are aware of a glitch or bug, report it on the discord server (JOIN HERE), the forums HERE, or to the Manager (peachysnail) via dm's.
1st Offense: Administrator Discretion
| Real World Trading (RWT)
Trading in-game money or items for IRL money or items (including ranks, etc), or vice versa, is not allowed.
This would be specifically planning to trade; not, for example, purchasing treasure chests or crate keys to re-sell ingame (which doesn't qualify under this rule). This rule is in place to prevent scams.
Example of something against the rules: "Pay me $10 irl and I'll give you ___ in-game."
1st Offense: Permanent, Appealable Ban
| Releasing Personal Information
Leaking another player's name, social media, email, address, phone number, or other personal information. Do not even do so with a joking intention. For your own protection, do not leak your own personal identification information - stating your own first name and age is fine, but no addresses, phone numbers, emails, etc. Your own social media, via private messages to friends, is OK. Under no circumstances should you release anyone else's information. The punishment times for this varies highly on the severity of the information released.
Minor (Ex: Name or social media): 12 hour mute - 3 day ban (staff discretion) | Moderate to Severe: 7d ban - Permanent ban (staff discretion)
| Death Threats
Do not threaten to take a player's life. This also includes a player's family member, pet, friends, etc. lives as well. Encouraging suicide falls under this rule. Also, do NOT joke, about, talk about, or encourage suicide. The punishment time varies heavily on the severity of the threat.
1st Offence/Minor: 1d Ban | 2nd Offense/Major: 7d Ban | 3rd Offense/Severe: Permanent Ban
| Harassment
Targeted, continual harassment of a player. The punishment time may vary on the severity of the situation, or prior displayed behavior of toxicity or harassment.
1st Offense/Mild: 1h-24h mute | 2nd Offense/Moderate: 3 Day Mute or Ban | 3rd Offense/Major: 10d+ ban
| Sexual Harassment
Speaking sexually toward another player. This includes, but is not limited to, jokes that make a player uncomfortable, continually discussing sexual behavior/roleplaying, etc. The punishment time may vary on the severity of the situation.
1st Offense/Mild: 24h Mute | 2nd Offense/Moderate: 5d Ban | 3rd Offense/Severe: 10d+ ban
| TP Killing, Trap Killing
TPing a user and trapping them or killing them outside of PVP is not allowed. This will be met with a swift ban, and repeat offenders may be punished further. You may not use lava buckets, end crystals, or any other way to bypass our anti-pvp plugin.
1st Offense: 1d Ban | 2nd Offense: 5d Ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban
| TP Trapping
TPing a user and trapping them isn't allowed. This includes Nether Portal trapping.
1st Offense: 1d Ban | 2nd Offense: 3d Ban | 3rd Offense: 7d Ban
| 0 Tick Farms, Auto Harvesters, or Flying Machines
0 Tick Farms, as well as similar auto-harvesting contraptions, are strictly not allowed. You will have the builds removed without a refund when found. Repeat offenders may be removed from Aspiria. This includes flying machines, such as flying machine elevators, flying machines that harvest crops, and those that push you through the world. This also includes 0-tick cobblegens or similar contraptions.
1st Offense: Warning, Build Removed | 2nd Offense: Build Removed, Mod+ discretion on further punishment
| Indecent Builds
Creating a build of something generally indecent. This includes, but is not limited to, genitalia, swastikas, concentration camps, etc. The punishment time varies heavily on the severity and detail of the build.
Signs with PG-13 content are only allowed if in a completely private area. No hate speech or slurs are allowed, and no excessive swearing or inappropriate content. Any signs in public spaces, with swearing or other additions that break any of our other rules, will be removed and you will be punished.
Minor: 1d Ban | Moderate: 3d Ban | Major: 7d Ban. Repeat offenses are at Mod+ discretion.
| Ban Evasion, Mute Evasion
Ban evasion can be done in a few ways. This includes logging onto an alternative account to bypass an account ban.
Mute evasion via using an alt account is not allowed, especially if you are harassing a player. Using a book and signs to communicate with mods and other players is OK. However, if f you annoy or harass a player with books or signs, or write inappropriate content/spam/otherwise break our rules, your punishment will be increased.
1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: Alt is banned or muted for the duration of main account's ban, staff discretion on punishment for main account
| Inappropriate IGNs
Having an in-game username (IGN) that is inappropriate, and breaks one of our other rules. Slurs or highly offensive content will result in an immediate permban.
1st Offense: Kicked from Aspiria, with a warning to change your name | 2nd Offense: Permanent Mute or Ban (depending on severity). Punishment can be appealed when it is changed.
| Inappropriate Nickname
Using /nick to give yourself a name that breaks one of the rules. Impersonating another player (or staff member) with your nickname falls underneath this rule. Slurs will result in a much more severe punishment. Please do not use special characters, such as emojis, in your nickname.
1st Offense: 1h Mute | 2nd Offense: 2d Mute | 3rd Offense: 7d Mute
| Inappropriate Skin
Wearing a skin that is inappropriate, and breaks one of our aforementioned rules. This includes nude skins, skins with indecent depictions on them, Hitler skins, etc.
1st Offense: Kick from Aspiria, with a warning to change your name | 2nd Offense/Failure to change: Permanent ban, appealable on our forums when your skin is changed.
| Item Name Guidelines (Special Characters)
Please make sure your item names follow Aspiria rules. As a general rule of thumb, this is a Minecraft server. We don't have guns. It's probably unnecessary to have an item named after a gun. Make sure that the name is appropriate. If someone complains about an item name, you will be asked to change it. Please also do not use special characters, such as emojis, in your item names.
1st Offense: Verbal Warning | 2nd Offense: /warn, and item name changed for you | 3rd Offense: Moderator Discretion
| Discrimination/Slurs/Racism
Being discriminatory to another user's race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or form of beliefs. This rule also covers racial, sexual, ableist, and other forms of slurs. The punishment time varies heavily on the severity of the situation.
1st Offense: Time-Out | 2nd Offense: 24h Mute | 3rd Offense: 5d Ban
| Excessive Arguing
While players will always have disagreements, we want to minimize the arguments that get out of hand. Debates and discussions are okay, but once they begin approaching spam, disrespect, or harassment, you will be asked one time to stop. If you do not, all participating members of the continuing argument will be punished.
1st Offense: Time-Out | 2nd Offense: 6h Mute | 3rd Offense: 1d-3d Ban
| Encouraging Rule Breaking
Encouraging another member of the server to break one of our rules.
1st Offense: Time-Out | 2nd Offense: 6h Mute | 3rd Offense: 1d Ban
| Excessive Disrespect/Extreme Toxicity
While competition is normal, being excessively toxic and/or disrespectful is not. This includes, but is not limited to, disrespecting a player by putting them down, demeaning their worth, or acting like you are above someone else. Harassment can go hand-in-hand with toxicity. The punishment for this rule is left up to staff discretion.
1st Offense/Minor Severity: 1h -1d Mute | 2nd Offense/Moderate Severity: 3d Mute/Ban | 3rd Offense/Major Severity: 10d Ban
| Command Spamming, Plugin Abuse
Command Spamming is defined as using commands to spam users such as /msg or /tpa.
Plugin Abuse is defined as using one of our plugins to break another rule (such as putting inappropriate items on /ah, or using /me to bypass /ignore). Please do not use /disguise in PVP.
Inappropriately named PVP items fall under Plugin abuse, and if you do not rename your weapon when warned, it will be confiscated.
1st Offense: Warning or Time-Out | 2nd Offense: 1d Ban | 3rd Offense: 3d Ban
| Excessive Spamming, Begging, Roleplaying
Consecutive use of characters ("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA") or symbols ("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"), as well as flooding chat with multiple lines of text. Logically, this also applies to an OVER-USE OF CAPSLOCK, as well as s p a c i n g m a n y l e t t e r s o u t. Additionally, begging is included in this rule, as begging fills the chat with lines that nobody will fulfill. Roleplay spam also falls underneath this rule. A little bit of AAA or o m g is fine, but it gets spammy and offensive when it's spammed. Also, do not spam TP requests as a form of annoying another player, especially after being asked to stop.
1st Offense: Warning | 2nd Offense: Time-Out | 3rd Offense: 12h Mute
| Excessive Swearing, Filter Bypassing, or Indecent Topics
If you swear occasionally, and the filter catches you, no worries. That's what the filter is there for. However; swearing excessively, even when the filter catches you, is not allowed. Actively attempting to bypass this chat filter is not allowed. Lastly, discussing an indecent topic (i.e; religion, politics, etc.) is not allowed. Please keep these topics in private chats, or off of Aspiria.
1st Offense: Warning or Kick | 2nd Offense: Time-Out | 3rd Offense: 12h Mute
| Foreign Languages In Public Chat
Foreign languages are okay when used out of the main public chat. However, as most staff (and players) are English speakers, and can logically only be expected to moderate the English language. Moderating other languages can be virtually impossible, so we limit our chat to English-only. Please keep non-English out of the main chat.
1st Offense: Warning, directed to /party chat | 2nd Offense: Time-Out| 3rd Offense: 6h Mute

| 5x5x5 Chunk Farms
On Skyblock, you may not create a farm over 5x5x5 chunks (80x80x80) blocks. The walls of your farm are not included in this measurement. This 5x5x5 size is the total allowed space it may take up, including storage and collection systems. You may not have, for example, eight 1x5x5 farms next to each other, but you may have five 1x5x5 farms directly next to each other.
In addition, farms may not be more than 5 chunks in ANY direction- for example, you can have a farm that is 4x5x5 chunks but you may not have one that is 1x1x10 chunks.
ALL OF YOUR FARMING on your island must fit within 5x5x5 chunks.
If you have questions, please ask staff members. Flying machines and 0-tick farms are not allowed.
Press F3+G to view chunks.
1st Offense: Warning, and the Requirement of decreasing the farm size | 2nd Offense: Farm Removed By Staff, Mod+ discretion on further punishment
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