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  • Our Discord
  • Heaume's Hand Temple

    Ohyé! Ohyé!
    Citizen's of Aspiria.
    The little Heaume's Hand Temple is Open!
    (Since 2 week ago. :confused:)
    We can organized some Event inside! (for the moment.)
    My place is on Quarantine for the moment.
    Reason : Project WIP.
    So, that mean, only some person can comes.
    (A protection for my place, my biome & biome around.)
    Later, this place will be open for everyone. (Or Not.)

    (Not really, an app with repect of glorious rules & weekly Emerald payment needed, for living around.)

    So! We can organize Marriage! (Or Demarriage! :p)
    & some other Event. (Like newer mod or something.)

    So, who want to be my Waifu~? :oops:

    I'm not Serious! Serious!
    (Ah Ah Ah, roll of the floor.)
    Just in game! in game!
    Like :
    "GenesisXXI X Natsume : An Yaoi Story"
    FanService for EllenViola.
    So, if someone have a plan of an event & want to use my little temple.
    Tell me, using my place for the first time is free because my place is WIP.
    Come on, don't be shy.
    (Mouahahaha-Ha-Ha-Ha~. Fresh Meat.)


    Bishop of the umi order
    Can I define an @EventHandler onEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent)? c: it will be static though, the method would be called anyway