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  • Our Discord
  • Hey I'm Lauraina ✌️


    Hello some of you OldTowners may or may not know me. I feel I need to introduce myself again because I haven't been able to be social on the server a lot due to the start of school a few months ago and I want to make some new friends :)! I have been on the server for what seems like forever since I was in middle school, I love this server and its the best community of people I have found! I have a twin sister who also plays on OldTown, talulaskye! I am currently a freshman in High School (whoo!) and about to finish out marching band Colorgaurd season! I am also in my schools wintergaurd which I joined a few weeks ago (I made the try outs ;)) Colorgaurd are the people at football games with flags by the way, we even sometimes perform with sabers and rifles.Now to minecraft related things!I enjoy building and doing interior design for houses if i have the inspiration lol.I also enjoy playing mini-games even if I do suck at them!Well that is all about me hope to be online more and make more friends.See you guys on the server/forums!
    - Lauraina