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  • McMMO, The Plugin


    Wiki: http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/McMMO_Wiki

    Many questions have been popping up in general chat in the Survival World about the recent addition of the McMMO plugin. There are many benefits gained for a survivalist within this one single package. Above I have linked the WIKI for the McMMO Plugin.

    McMMO's main function is to incorporate an RPG-like skill system that players will have access to right from the beginning. Depending on how much a certain tool is used or a certain action is performed, players will gain experience that will eventually add bonuses such as double drops, rare drops, or ability enhancement.

    The plugin is fully configurable, and without knowing how the configuration was set, we are limited to testing and guessing for now. If you take time to read the information about the vast feature set, you will come to depend upon the plugin for these features as your skills raise in bower through use over time.

    One of the main features is the ability to both repair and salvage component materials from Armor, Weapons etc.

    Experience Calculation:
    For each repair, the experience gained is the amount of durability restored multiplied by the value of the material in the chart below. All armor of a material type has the same multiplier.

    Tools, however, have a multiplier based on amount of material components of the tool (1, 2, or 3 pieces). This is because all tools of the same material have the same durability, whereas armor durability scales with number of components.

    Experience is only awarded for durability restored; any restoration beyond maximum is ignored, making repairing near-perfect items inefficient.

    How to repair items in Minecraft
    You can repair items in Minecraft by right clicking with them on an iron block. The higher the level, the more durability is restored. Every time you repair, it costs one of the material the item was made of (E.X. iron chestplate would cost one iron ingot per click)

    A Gold Block is used for salvaging.

    This is only one small example of the wondrous features of McMMO. If you want to succeed and grow both powerful and wealthy, I would highly recommend that you do read the McMMO Wiki to enhance yourself.

    One of my favorites:
    Excavation is an ability in McMMO. As it levels up, you get a higher chance of receiving treasures from what you dig. Wait until you start dropping Diamonds just for digging in the dirt and sand... :)


    Bishop of the umi order
    Yes, yes, let us build a temple for the allmighty MCMMO plugin, our God. ;_; Who needs specialized videogames, when we have mods for Minecraft? :mad: If this sounds too offensive, I will agree to its removal without discussing it further.


    Yes, yes, let us build a temple for the allmighty MCMMO plugin, our God. ;_; Who needs specialized videogames, when we have mods for Minecraft? :mad: If this sounds too offensive, I will agree to its removal without discussing it further.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1461533963,1461533924][/DOUBLEPOST]But like

    Who needs (Most of) McMMO

    When there's other mods


    Bishop of the umi order
    Don't quote my message, you'll reveal my secret disclaimer clause ;n;
    also, you just double-merge-duplicated your post wth :C

    EDIT: No, you didn't, it's just the buggy website ;^;


    After reading crap like this all over the forums from the same person...

    "Yes, yes, let us build a temple for the allmighty MCMMO plugin, our God. ;_; Who needs specialized videogames, when we have mods for Minecraft? :mad:"

    I am assured that she has zero self esteem and can only feel better about herself through the flaming of everyone around her. What a total troll!

    BTW!!! MCMMO is not a MOD it is a PLUGIN... Learn what you are talking about and stop sounding like an fool.


    Bishop of the umi order
    Well, sorry, I thought I've been ranting on the matter for long enough in the past...
    I will (perhaps) give a better answer when I get on my PC, but I think it's a whole lot of features that can decrease server performance, with no reason to be there. It MAY be good on an actual RP server, with harder mobs, PvP and various challenges, but not here on Aspiria, where people have a full diamond armor set after 2 hours of gameplay and start grinding like it's fun, (it is, if fun is something you feel when you press the same button for 12 days in a row).

    About the usage of the "mod" word: Spigot is a mod that allows the game to be radically changed, much like other mods (usually found in modpacks, WHICH may actually be plugins). Changing a game into something its game engine wasn't supposed to handle is not wise.

    Also, I had (like I said) put a secret disclaimer in the message you quoted, and I'm sure you haven't seen it :3


    [QUOTE="Also, I had (like I said) put a secret disclaimer in the message you quoted, and I'm sure you haven't seen it :3[/QUOTE]

    Maybe... :)

    I have never seen McMMO as a resource hog on any of my servers. But then again I had it out for all my customers running DynMap at Full REZ with 50K+ worlds and trying to run that with a 1024k memory block. There are a few other Mod Packs and Plugins which I have found resource intensive too which are on my hate list. I will have to toss it on one of my Linux boxes and see how much of a percent McMMO pulls.

    If you really want to kill a server. Make a 12K world, load DynMap at default (LowRez) and World Border then set world border to fill the entire world while Dynmap is rendering all of the new blocks. o.O

    What I wanted to know is this. Other than your feeling that McMMO is a resource hog, what specific functions do you believe ruin the game? It took me 2 days of playing before I had diamond armor.

    Maybe I should see if there is a working x-ray that will work here like perhaps other who play here too?


    Bishop of the umi order
    As I (briefly) said before, my previous answer needs to be rewritten. I'm currently on my phone, it's not the best device you can write stuff with ;^;


    Bishop of the umi order
    Well' I'm sorry, but I'm currently inhumanly bored... Don't worry, I'll get back to the flamewar later [unwritable emoticon] - also, nice to meet you, fellow off-topicor (new word I made up) c:


    George Bush was the best at making up new words... (New Topic) But that one was epic. Now I have to start using it a lot in published articles until it shows up in the dictionary.