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  • Our Discord
  • Part 2: Mon île Demeure Moderne [My Modern Island Mansion]


    This is part 2 :p It had too many pics for just one forum...

    Here is my fish tank!

    ...and I also forgot about my redstone enderchest!

    Take a look @ my own master suite!

    Now let's take our party down to my doges own little house downstairs!
    Say "HI!" to Darekt and Alice!

    Okay, that's all for now! Let's head back outside for another house view!
    This is the outside view of my house from the lower level!

    Thank you so much for checking out my modern "cave" mansion :)
    If you want a personal tour, /mail or /msg me IG and I will show you around!

    Make sure to leave your vote for what to build next! I <3 Panera! :p

    See ya around,