Hello Aspirians!
Firstly, the most important announcement; our Skyblock 1.12 server will be resetting in approximately ONE MONTH. The goal release date is July 17th, 2020. Our new Skyblock server will be on version 1.15, which will allow us to roll out a ton of new and exciting features for you all!
Here are a few new features that will be included in our new Skyblock 15 server.
- mcmmo
- 2 new dungeons, and an exciting modification of the current dungeon
- new custom enchants
- revamped crates and economy
If you are especially proud of your 1.12 Skyblock Build, please DM ME! Either on the forums, or on Discord (Zoe#1000)! I wish to put together a presentation of the best Skyblock islands Aspiria has. Please include your in-game name and a few screenshots!
Additionally, you can now play on Aspiria using 1.16 clients. While we do not have any 1.16 content yet, as 1.16 is not stable for servers right now, you can connect with your 1.16 clients! And yes, we are planning to introduce 1.16 content to Aspiria!
Here are a few other events and changes you all should hear about!
- EVENTS TEAM APPLICATIONS are now open! Please note that it may take some time for us to sort out details and begin accepting applications. Click HERE to check out the Events Team Application!
- We have begun hosting weekly events on Aspiria!
Last week, our event was a Boat Racing event built by Mr_Labrador! He built the track and assisted with moderating the event! If you are interested in hosting an event, make sure to go to our discord (click HERE) and open a ticket in #support! Let us know what your event will be about!
- We are currently holding a DUNGEONS BUILD BATTLE event! Teams are building dungeons to compete, and the winning dungeon will be added to the server as an official dungeon! This event runs until July 15, 2020. Check out our discord #announcements for more information!
- A community highlights forums post is coming soon! I post daily highlights from the community in #community-highlights channel in Discord. Make sure to DM me to submit your creations, or tag me in #minecraft-creations on discord!
- We have cycled in and out a few epic tags in the last few months! Some of my favorites are : AwwMan, The =) and =( tags, Nyoom, and we released many tags for Star Wars day - may the 4th! We have a #Pride tag, which is available until the end of June, and our current tags are bonk and stonks ! Click HERE to check out our current selection!
- OP Crossbow was added to the OP crate.
- As mentioned above, you can now connect to Aspiria using 1.16 minecraft clients!
- We have a new /groupchat feature - a chat that is global, and crosses all 3 of our servers! You can now chat with your group of friends across servers!
- There is a new Collector's Crate! You can obtain rare collector's items here, including Mr. Puffer, the Cookie of Friendship, and staff heads! Obtain it from the vote crate today!
- @Krideri changed the blue /spawn roof to blue!
- Our starter book got a small makeover, including a "how to make money" addition and fixed color formatting.
- There was a small discord redesign; I added a #giveaways channel, and #events. I also added a community highlights ping, and a giveaway ping. If you're interested in giveaways, make sure to join our discord!
- If you would like to help us host Giveaways or Server Events, please open a ticket in discord (#suggestions!) and give us more information!
- Harassment is harassment. If someone is harassing you, even in private messages, please collect proof and DM a staff member or open a help ticket in discord. If you feel targeted, please reach out. Arguments shouldn't be moved to DMs, only civil and mutual discussion. If you feel attacked, please let us know.