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    district: SinisterVille
    IGN : YoungSinister
    Roman Village - Unfinished ATM but still looks good
    I am Using the Pixel Perfection texture pack so if you want the build to look its best use this


    In Game Name: Joint effort between GlowingDeathclaw, Yat3s, and CryingElf.
    District Name: Mountain Manor.

    Name: Gryffindor_Gamer
    District Name: Aspiria Head Museum
    I am sorry but I could not provide a screenshot.

    District #2 Name: Bulbasaur's Base
    I am sorry (again) but I could not provide a screenshot.

    Note: The interior to "Aspiria Head Museum" is NOT finished as of now. I hope you understand. o3o/
    in game name Warion2
    district name: Japanese home
    (sigh kept trying to get my screenshots up but no luck so instead \/ )
    X: -5726 Y: 63 Z:-18080
    Last edited:


    Your In-game Name: My build was a collaboration the participants were: jonah812, coolman8025, and dog51
    The district name for your build: My build is not claimed but it is a farmland thing
    A snapshot of your build (optional): no snapshots available