Now Concluded!
The winter is now in full swing and the recent holiday update has launched Old Town headfirst into a new era defined by exciting events and updates. This month, after weeks of hard work, Old Town is excited to reveal a brand new event available for any player, any time.
As the title implies, this event is a scavenger hunt. In the depths of a jungle harbor, dozens of chests filled with different items have been stashed all around a massive arena. Of these chests, 20 (normal prizes) are easy to find, three (special prizes) are difficult to find, and one (Ultra prize) is incredibly difficult to find. In each of the chests, a player takes out 1 item and turns it into a staff member for an epic prize unlike anything on the server. Don’t take more than one, each chest has different items.

Now what prizes might be worth spending hours looking for? Some of the many, unique, prizes include: a potion that gives a player 10 extra hearts and regeneration, a bow that can one-shot nearly any mob, armor that can defend against anything short of the enderdragon, and even a pickaxe with fortune VIII. Rest assured these prizes aren’t impossible to get, and many players will win all kinds of prizes.
As an added bonus for taking the time to check out the website, it might help to know a few things about where the chests are hidden. First of all, about three quarters of the chests are underground, so look somewhere other than the trees and the ground. Next, in the massive nexus of caves underground, redstone torches indicate that there is a chest in the general area-- they are not a path to follow. Water is not the death of you, maybe going for a swim might yield some reward. Finally, if you see an iron door, that is a one-way exit from somewhere that has a chest, so look around for a cave to the underground-- there is a chest nearby.

To get started on the scavenger hunt, simply type /scavenger, check out the prizes, and get searching! The event ends soon, so get hunting!
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