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  • Our Discord
  • Town: Need hilly terrain and anyone wanting to help with interior


    I have been making this town and would like to add it to the old town community as a town/place to visit. I need hilly terrain that is not snowy and is by some sort of large water source so I can the port and such. Ive been looking but haven't found a lot of areas that are large enough or the right type of biome. Here are some photos of the town on my account that Id be kind of replicating. :)

    Okay tried to add the photos and I don't know how to so that'd be very helpful to know how to.


    Okay tried to add the photos and I don't know how to so that'd be very helpful to know how to.
    Here's a guide, adding photos is fairly simple. I made a simple guide that explains the most basic way in a sentence and a more efficient one in 6 simple steps.